Showing posts with label 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Kinderpond Learns about the Chinese New Year

Learning Board-

Letter J

Color Red/Gold

Shape- Square

Numeral- 19

Name Practice- Your choice again :)


Poem: 5 Green Dragons

Fine Motor: Letters Punch Sheet

Science: Video

Writing: Tracing Cards

Theme/Life Skills: Practice Tying Shoes
I have this big one and some little ones.



Alphabet Study: Bingo Dauber Sheet

Fine Motor: Mini Muffin

So you don't have this toy?  Grab a cupcake tin at Dollar Tree and some liners, write numbers on the bottom.  Have them add that number of pony beads or pom-poms to the bottom.

Science: Dollar Tree Experiment

Math: Puzzles  (I will add a photo later, it's nap time and I am not disturbing that!)  As always, any puzzle will do :)

Theme/Life Skills: Chinese Food Dramatic Play


Poem: Lion Dance Song

Alphabet Study: ABC Magnets  I am going to write the alphabet on a sentence strip... or strips :) and we will match the letters to the letters.

Science: Chinese Slime  
Minus the glitter for me though lol

Art: Dragon

Writing: CNY Tracing

Theme/Life Skills: Scissor Skills

Story: Happy Happy Year

Poem: Chinese New Year

Alphabet Study: Alphabet Bottle

Fine Motor: Lo Mien Transfer

Science: Red Rice Gold Coins

Math: Chinese Calendar Pieces  We are just going to put the numbers in order.

Art: Ice Cube Color Mixing 
Give the children water colored with food coloring, an ice cube tray and some droppers. 

Writing: Tara West Letter Tracing

Theme/Life Skills: Food toys again :)

Shopping List:

Hole Punch Walmart
Clear Glue

Dollar Tree
Clothes Pins
Shoe with laces (I got mine at Dollar Tree)
Bingo Dauber
Tissue Paper
Pony Beads
Food Coloring
Beans (alphabet bottle or just use more rice)
Ice Cube Tray

Muffin Tin
Science Experiment

Friday, August 4, 2017

Summer Fruits in Kinderpond

Learning Board-

Letter F

Color blue

Shape- cube

Numeral- 19

Name Practice- Binder


Story- Down by the Bay

Poem Monthly Chant

Art~ How to Draw a watermelon and Strawberry

Math/Life Skills/Science  Lemonade Game

I won this game on the Learning Resource Page

I was also thinking of bringing out the ice cubes and the light table.

Theme- Pokey Pages  

use a jumbo push pin
Staple to construction paper.
Have child poke through paper.  
Remove design paper to see it on the paper :)
I would put paper on top of carpet :)

Snack- Watermelon Popsicles

Cut up watermelon. Blend in blender.  Put in cups. Freeze. Eat.

Story-PB Jelly

Fingerplay Picked a Strawberry

Math/Life Skills/Science- Matching Cards

Theme- Balance Game

Don't have it?  Grab those ice cubes from Dollar Tree.
Roll Dice. Stack.  See how high you can build.  

Or use Hi-Ho! Cherry-O.

Snack- Frozen Strawberry Lemonade


Math/Life Skills/Science 10 Frame

Theme-Watermelon Game
one side has numbers and one side is letters.

Snack-Stuffed Strawberries   or 

Strawberry Pretzel Salad

Shopping List:


Frozen Strawberry

Pretzel Salad
Cream Cheese*
Strawberries- frozen*
Strawberry Jell-O*
Whipped Topping*

Stuffed Strawberries
Whipped Topping
Pudding- vanilla or cream cheese or white chocolate

Shaving Cream
Saline solution
Food Coloring
Jumbo Push Pin
Construction Paper