Showing posts with label Kwanzaa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kwanzaa. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

Holidays Around the World and More!

 We began our journey around the world right after Thanksgiving.  My Holidays Around the World didn't cover all the days we had, so I added a few days in of other celebrations.  

Most of the centers came from this unit that I purchased from HERE.

I also bought the coloring pages from HERE.  My students really enjoy coloring this year, so I gave them a themed outlet! I am also trying to teach them to use both sides of the paper as well. 

I gathered all of my letters and made sure that they were the coolest and had enough of each letter.

Roll and Fill the Santas' beard.
My cup of poms.

Dollar Tree bricks 

Finish up the patterns.
I used pipe cleaners cut in thirds.

This also has gold glass beads to make the numbers below.

Put the dreidle on top, 
write the letter, and
using gold beads to form the letter.

I bought THESE magnetic blocks.
I added green ones too!
They work perfectly on my easel.

Each day we get a letter that contains a letter about the day, a heading, and word cards. Then the word cards and headings along with word mats end up in our writing center.  I will try to snap a photo of our letters :) 

I have a multi-step paper sorter to store these.
I put one set in per day.