Showing posts with label marble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marble. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kinderpond Celebrates Mo Willems

Name Practice-         These are free!

I know that I have listed different Mo Willems books, but just read whatever ones you have I will drop a link to some on YouTube.

Here is a book check off sheet.  I've used these in first grade. I've also used a reading guide where we give the books "stars." For Seuss, we use hats, Marc Brown we use glasses, Mo Willems pigeons lol

After you read a book, we color in the pigeon below.  


Story: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

Poem: Cookie Letter Match
match the letters or spell words

Word Study:  Wheels on the Bus

Fine Motor: Locks from Lakeshore

Science: Dollar Tree experiment

Math: Cookie ten frame

Writing:  Maze

Theme/Life Skills: Egg nest relay race

Story: Duckling Gets a Cookie

Poem: Felt Cookie Oven (poem/story coming) 

Word Study: Letter stamps
I grabbed these from Target. Get the sheet here.$

Fine Motor: Table Toys

Science: Float/Sink  Gather some items and see if they float and sink!

Math: Cookie Clip

Art: Pigeon Plate Remember that Dollar Tree sells those awesome tissue paper squares.

Writing: Grid

Theme/Life Skills: Design a Cookie
Depending on their ages, have them draw the cookie and dictate what should be in the cookie... I am a little nervous about the things Froglet may want to add lol . I am not sharing that we are making cookies lol

Story: Pigeon Stays Up

Word Study: Knufflebunny Match$

Fine Motor: Table Toys

Science: Make Ice Cream

Math: Bingo

Art: Dough Pigeon 
Give blue dough, one eye, yellow & white felt and black pipe cleaners

Writing: Trace

Theme/Life Skills: Make cookies