Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cube. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2017

Thanksgiving in Kinderpond

Learning Board-

Letter T

Color  Black

Shape- Cube

Numeral- 12

Name Practice- We will be using this from T. West

Day 1-

Story: Swallowed a Turkey

Give pieces to the children. While you read the story have them add to pocket chart or flannel board in the order that you're reading.

Poem:  Tom Turkey

Alphabet Study: Letters from the Alphabet

Fine Motor: Pie Sort

Science: Plant popcorn
That's right, we're planting corn!  Popcorn that is.  Take a zip-top bag.  Get a damp paper towel.  Place inside of bag.  Put several pieces of regular popcorn in the bag.  This needs to lay flat.  Come back daily to check and lightly spray inside of bag for popcorn to grow.  It does take a few days, but it does work. Don't over spray your bags though, could grow mold. 

Math: Cube Roll             EZ                     Cute   

                                       Colorful                    Harder

Writing: Tracing Cards

Theme/Life Skills: Feather Race

Day 2
Story: Our Friends

Poem: I See Thanksgiving

Alphabet StudyLetter formation poem

Fine Motor: Fine Motor turkey

Science: Sid Senses

Art: Smelly Paint

Just take regular paint and add spices: cinnamon, apple pie spice, cloves, your choice!  I'd love to hear what you used!

Writing:  Shhhh!  We're making Turkey Stew :)

Theme/Life Skills: Make pumpkin pies

Day 3
Story: Pete the Cat

Poem: Thanksgiving

Alphabet Study: Feast Full  

Fine Motor: Pom pom color sort

Science:          Popcorn for many   Popcorn senses

Math:        Thanksgiving Kids        Turkey Dominoes

Art: Color with smelly markers

Yep, this is super simple.  Grab your smelly markers and let them color!
We don't do coloring books, so white paper it is!

We have tons of smelly art tools :) markers, pencils, pens

Writing: Tara West Letter Tracing

Theme/Life Skills: Turkey Trot

Shopping List:
Smelly Markers
Paper Towels
Zip bag
Spray bottle
Stew pieces
Paper cup
Pipe cleaners


Friday, August 4, 2017

Summer Fruits in Kinderpond

Learning Board-

Letter F

Color blue

Shape- cube

Numeral- 19

Name Practice- Binder


Story- Down by the Bay

Poem Monthly Chant

Art~ How to Draw a watermelon and Strawberry

Math/Life Skills/Science  Lemonade Game

I won this game on the Learning Resource Page

I was also thinking of bringing out the ice cubes and the light table.

Theme- Pokey Pages  

use a jumbo push pin
Staple to construction paper.
Have child poke through paper.  
Remove design paper to see it on the paper :)
I would put paper on top of carpet :)

Snack- Watermelon Popsicles

Cut up watermelon. Blend in blender.  Put in cups. Freeze. Eat.

Story-PB Jelly

Fingerplay Picked a Strawberry

Math/Life Skills/Science- Matching Cards

Theme- Balance Game

Don't have it?  Grab those ice cubes from Dollar Tree.
Roll Dice. Stack.  See how high you can build.  

Or use Hi-Ho! Cherry-O.

Snack- Frozen Strawberry Lemonade


Math/Life Skills/Science 10 Frame

Theme-Watermelon Game
one side has numbers and one side is letters.

Snack-Stuffed Strawberries   or 

Strawberry Pretzel Salad

Shopping List:


Frozen Strawberry

Pretzel Salad
Cream Cheese*
Strawberries- frozen*
Strawberry Jell-O*
Whipped Topping*

Stuffed Strawberries
Whipped Topping
Pudding- vanilla or cream cheese or white chocolate

Shaving Cream
Saline solution
Food Coloring
Jumbo Push Pin
Construction Paper