Sunday, September 6, 2015

C is for Cookies... oh wait... C is for Colors!!!!

Did you sing the song too?
We do colors weekly but this gets its own week!!!

We did red and green already so this week we will do blue, yellow, orange, purple, brown, gray, pink, or white lol

My little froglet, loves school.  He grabs the binder and we read and sing.
We do the whole binder daily. Love him!!!

Here are the books I collected. I have some other crayon shaped books too, but I keep forgetting to grab them! 

Read Brown Bear

Sort colors either on the table or mini-pocket chart
I will limit it to 2 colors per day. This is a paid unit but there is a free one underneath!!!/Color-Recognition-Math-&-Literacy-Mega-Pack/p/44783157

                                 This one is free though!!!!

 R chant 

Color Song from Reading Mama
Numeral 3 poem 

Here is a poem that I created for you- I'm not even sure who wrote it or where it came from, but have used it for years.

During Music time, I will play Frog Street Press music on YouTube  

I have been using the FSP color songs since my second year of teaching. This is my 17th year teaching.  Several years ago, there was a student teacher at our school and she was a parent of one of my kindergartners my second year teaching!  She asked for these songs because they stuck with her :)

I gathered up all things colorful for the sensory bin. I went shopping for dried chick peas. I took the last 4 bags lol 

My completed sensory bin will be on the Kinderpond Jr Facebook page.

Here is the recipe for dyed chick peas.

Choose another color book.

5 Little Crayons- Reading Mama


Use the clips twice today- I’ve seen some clips that are so cute. Yeah I’m using markers, but feel free to go all out with washi tapes.  I painted one with paint for white.

Sticker art- just giving froglet some paper and some stickers.

For the other more independent activity, I color coded some craft sticks.  Froglet will clip some color coded clips to them.


Get yours below for your container 
Get yours below for the outside of the container

Color Sort
Rainbow Song- Reading Mama
Read & sing through all poems and songs.

FSP on iTunes with instruments.

Read & sing through all poems and songs.
Color Chant

Art- coloring sheet
Maybe markers this week!

I really want to make a book... but I'm not sure yet lol one where he paints a page for every animal. If we do, this is the one we will use.  It is a free download.  :)

Here are magnets that I actually won, but you can get yours by clicking on the photo :)


Shopping List:
Chick peas- dried
 liquid food coloring

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