Friday, February 23, 2018

Seriously Seuss

It's the most wonderful time of the year  it is SEUSS DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Learning Board-

Letter Q

Color Red/White pattern 
I am going to print off these and hang on the calendar as well as making a real one as well.

Shape- Rectangular Prism

Numeral- 37-40

Name Practice- Binder


Poem:  Seuss Hats

Fine Motor: Seuss Lacing Cards

Science: Stack Mini Red Cups 
I also bought regular size cups too :)

Math: Seuss Matching

Art: Play Dough white with red beads  
You know I am not putting red and white playdough together lol  I will put out white playdough and all red items lol

Writing: Tracing Cards

Theme/Life Skills: What's in the Hat

Story: Green Eggs

Alphabet Study: Get the Eggs in the Pan

Fine Motor: Feb Morning Bins

Math: Green Eggs Puzzle

Art: Pearler Beads  
I am guessing we will only make the hat part and not the whole thing ;)

Writing: Draw Yourself *assessment* 
Have your child draw themselves :)

Theme/Life Skills: Green Eggs and Ham Game



Alphabet Study: ABC game (any abc game will do)

Fine Motor: February Work

Science: Match Magnet Shapes 
I got these from Target.

Writing: Tracing (sharon blackwell)

Theme/Life Skills:  I Can do That Game

Story: Fox in Socks


Alphabet Study:  Mr Fox's Rhyming

Fine Motor: Feb Morning Work

Science: Sensory Bin

Math: Number Matching

Art: Thing 1 Straw Blown Hair

I am just going to print this one out and just trace the face and not the hair :)

Writing: Tara West Letter Tracing

Theme/Life Skills: 4 in 1 Game

Past units

Shopping List:
Red Cups (small/large)
Baking Soda
Green Food Coloring
Blue Paint
Play Dough
Red Items (pipe cleaners, beads, buttons, etc.)
Pearler Beads

*Sensory Bin* Items
Cat in the Hat Letters