Monday, September 16, 2024

Week Two: morning bins

Week one is just plain toys,
In week two I added elements.

pattern block sheets
I ask them to try to do their ages 4 or 5.





Monday, September 9, 2024

First Week of School Morning Work

 The first week of school is always so much work, you are teaching so many procedures and rules. So I start with things that they typically have used before or that don't need much explanation.

Check your classroom for toys that will work. I have used snap cubes, pattern blocks, chain links, Unifix cubes, and teddy bears, this is all super low prep, find and put inside a drawer.

In week two, I add something to the drawer. Check back next week for our week two centers.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Open House 24-25

 Everyone on my list came to the open house!

Did I get another child after the open house? Also, yes!  

 Read about past open houses here.

  2019 Open House

2023-2024 Open House

Signs and numbers from HERE.

My all about me sheet from HERE.
Getting to know you sheet from HERE.

The real wish list is found HERE.

This year, I grabbed these cute bee marshmallows $$$ at Walmart.  

After I bought them, then I looked at the price lol

I had no plan for them, so I needed a plan.  I found some tags HERE

I have used this setup for the last 5 years...
why have I NOT thought to 
add some cute frog cutouts on the side????

These props came from Dollar Tree several years ago.

I can't find my play dough tag or my clothes tag,
so I had some school-aged kids make some labels!
I need a slippers tag too lol

Those bins were like $2.62 for all 5!!!!!

I had the children sort their supplies.