Monday, March 10, 2025

Seuss Centers

 When I taught kindergarten and First Grade, I did a whole month of Seuss. I picked a book, we dressed up, and we had a themed snack.  Whose idea was this??!?!?!?! It was a huge undertaking, but now all the planning is done. :)

Check the video at the end of the post :)

I think the alphabet was for a bulletin board. The kids use those jumbo fabric letters to match :)

We're still using these rocks
because they are pretty wacky!

Dr Seuss cards- just flashcards either from Target or Dollar Tree
The white pieces are Green Eggs flannel board, also from Oriental Trading
and small red cups with index cards cut in half.

The cups and cards :)
The bigger pails are from Dollar Tree

Paint daubers sheet from here

pokey pins

I have zero knowledge of where I got these from.

Cindy Lou Who, the Grinch, and Max finger puppets

Grinch bag from who knows where lol 
Those Thing number cards, I think, were for a class set for the kids.

inside all the mini erasers!!!

Commercial Seuss Game

Parent made for Seuss towers

Matching sock game

Our pointers
The characters ones are/were sharpeners that I pulled off the sharpeners and glued a chopstick to.
They all came from Dollar Tree I think :)

My calendar cards are always Seuss, nothing new this month :)

We made green eggs in our journals
and my Green Egg socks

I used those plastic Easter eggs to make fizzy eggs.
I took baking soda, gel food coloring, and a splash of water and mixed
 them together until it pretty much stuck together. 
Then I popped them into a sandwich bag, still in the egg form.
I only opened the egg right before the egg-speriment :)
Everyone got a paper cup of vinegar and some droppers to make fizzy eggs.

 Here are tons more of my past Seuss celebrations:

Monday, March 3, 2025

March Morning Bins

 March Morning Bins

I just free-handed this.
Their name goes by the heart.

Here's mine:

Our theme words:
Their age for the number of words.
Clearly, I am 5 :)

I found some papers online, and they had lines, so I went old school
and cut out the lines and glued the outer frame to another piece of paper.

I saw that someone had made these, but I was on a budget, so I made my own.
Those are just Unifix cubes.
Since selling anything Seuss is a HUGE no-no, it gets tricky to find something.
I searched for the creation on TPT without luck :(
If I ever get the files off my old computer, I will post them here.